About US

Meet Us!

This is the blog about traveling trips that we have always dreamt of.

My wife and I decided to continue our lives the way we have always wanted, even after our kids were born.We met during our student years, working at the biggest cinema multiplex in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We have both studied to become teachers, which we became a few years after we met each other. Since then my wife Tina continues to work as teacher while I went in completely opposite direction.

We got married in 2007 and after two years we had our beautiful boy Svit. In 2012 we were blessed with a lovely daughter named Nia, preemie born in 27th week of pregnancy.

Who We Are?

So we are now a family of 4 and a German Boxer. In our blog we’ll share with you the trips we took in past years. And when the time will  allows us, we will also share our pre-baby era adventures. This was long overdue, so here are the updates (2022 edit)


A professor of Slovene language and theology with a passion for travel. For past few years I’m working in cinema business (yes, there where my wife and I met years ago). Nothing has changed with me so still the same job in the entertainment industry.


My wife is elementary school teacher, who loves working with kids and she’s also an excellent mom to our two babies. Still a teacher with another couple of years under the belt.


He likes travelling, cycling, walking our dog and he absolutely adores his little sister. He’s turning into experienced traveler as the years go by. Svit is now 13 yo and is in 8th grade. His passion is football.


We were pregnant with her on our Malaysian trip. A few months later she has decided that she wants to see the world earlier as planned. She was born in 27th week of pregnancy and she has spent nine weeks in hospital before she could come home. Now she’s a healthy baby ready to take on the world and everything that comes along. Nia has become a beautiful young “lady” who’s in love with karate (brown belt as for this year and couple of medals won) and life in general.

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